R语言betafunctions包 LL.CA函数使用说明





x = NULL,
min = 0,
max = 1,
true.model = "4P",
error.model = "binomial",
truecut = NULL,
output = c("accuracy", "consistency"),
failsafe = FALSE,
l = 0,
u = 1,
override = NULL


x : 要拟合β分布的观察分数向量,或预定义的真实分数分布参数值列表。如果提供了列表,则列表项必须以参数命名:l和u表示位置参数,alpha和beta表示形状参数。

reliability : 观察到的分数平方相关(即共享方差的比例)与真实分数。

cut : 将观察分为合格或不合格类别的截止值。

min : 试验中可能达到的最小值。默认值为0(假设x表示比例)。

max : 试验中可能达到的最大值。默认值为1(假设x表示比例)。

true.model : 拟合真实分数分布矩的概率分布。选项是“4P”(默认)和“2P”,指的是四参数和两参数Beta分布。“4P”方法产生一个四参数β分布,其前四个矩(均值、方差、偏度和峰度)与估计的真分数分布相同,而“2P”方法产生一个双参数β分布,其前两个矩(均值和方差)与估计的真分数分布相同。

error.model : 用于在真实分数表的不同点产生抽样分布的概率分布。选项有二项式和beta。二项分布是离散的,是利文斯顿和刘易斯最初使用的分布。二项分布的使用包括将有效测试长度四舍五入到最接近的整数值。β分布是连续的,不涉及有效测试长度的四舍五入。

truecut : “真实”截止的可选规格。用于生成ROC曲线(有关详细信息,请参阅文档)中华民国()函数)。

output : 字符向量,指示要计算并包含在输出中的统计信息类型(即,精度和/或一致性)。允许值为“准确度”和“一致性”。

failsafe : 逻辑值,指示如果四参数拟合程序产生不允许的参数估计,是否将自动故障保护默认值与双参数β真分数分布相结合。默认值为FALSE(即,函数将不启用故障保护,并且如果产生不允许的参数估计,则可能产生错误)。

l : 如果真。模型=“2P”或failsafe=TRUE,双参数拟合过程中使用的下限位置参数。默认值为0(即

u : 如果真。模型=“2P”或failsafe=TRUE,在双参数拟合过程中使用的上限位置参数。

override : betafunctions版本1.3.1中的惰性工件(替换为failsafe参数)。将在以后的更新中完全删除。


# Generate some fictional data. Say, 100 individuals take a test with a
# maximum score of 100 and a minimum score of 0.
testdata < - rbinom(100, 100, rBeta.4P(100, 0.25, 0.75, 5, 3))
hist(testdata, xlim = c(0, 100))

# Suppose the cutoff value for attaining a pass is 50 items correct, and
# that the reliability of this test was estimated to 0.7. To estimate and
# retrieve the estimated parameters, confusion matrix, consistency and
# accuracy statistics using LL.CA():
LL.CA(x = testdata, reliability = .7, cut = 50, min = 0, max = 100)

# Suppose the true-score parameter estimation procedure arrived at
# impermissible parameter estimates (i.e., l < 0, u > 1, alpha < 0, or
# beta < 0). For example:
testdata < - rbinom(100, 25, rBeta.4P(100, 0.25, 1, 5, 3))
Beta.tp.fit(testdata, 0, 25, 25, failsafe = TRUE)

# Suppose further that you have good grounds for assuming that the lower-
# bound parameter is equal to 0.25 (e.g., the test consists of multiple-
# choice questions with four response options, leading to a 25% probability
# of guessing the correct answer per question), and good reason to believe
# that the upper-bound parameter is equal to 1 (i.e., there is no reason to
# believe that there are no members of the population who will attain a
# perfect score across all possible test-forms.) To set these lower and
# upper bounds for the fitting procedure in the LL.CA() function, set
# the argument true.model = "2p", and specify the location parameters
# l = 0.25 and u = 1:
LL.CA(testdata, 0.6287713, 12, 0, 25, true.model = "2p", l = 0.25, u = 1)

# Alternatively to supplying scores to which a true-score distribution is
# to be fit, a list with true-score distribution parameter values can be
# supplied manually along with the effective test length (see documentation
# for the ETL() function), foregoing the need for actual data. The list
# entries must be named. "l" is the lower-bound and "u" the upper-bound
# location parameters of the true-score distribution, "alpha" and "beta" for
# the shape parameters, and "etl" for the effective test-length..
trueparams < - list("l" = 0.25, "u" = 0.75, "alpha" = 5, "beta" = 3, "etl" = 50)
LL.CA(x = trueparams, cut = 50, min = 0, max = 100)